Looking for paid consulting help | $100/hr +

Hi all :wave:

We’re looking for 2-3 Wordpress Experts to give their brutally honest opinions about our product, our business plans, and the state of things in the Wordpress community.

We’d like to start building free resources for the WP community, and adding more WP focused features to our product, but we’d like to get some advice before we go all-in.

Here’s a link to apply if that sounds interesting/fun to you. Learn More and Apply

P.S. If I posted this in a bad place please let me know and I’ll more or remove ASAP :pray:


@DOnuts Just submitted, thanks.

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Fantastic! Submission received, thanks @shahi

I’ll follow up early need week. We want to give people the weekend/Monday to apply, and we’ll make our decision Tuesday/Wednesday.

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Thanks for the update.

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@DOnuts Any update? I was excited, but I guess, I am not a preferable candidate. It’s okay. Thanks

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Hey Shahi :wave: I’ll follow up via DMs. We reviewed all the applications yesterday and are in the processes of sending out updates. Thanks for checking in :pray:

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