Live search on canvas

Browser: Chrome 122
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

It seems that ajax search has two simple problems in the builder.

1- Post per page is set to 5, but only 1 result is shown in the preview in the builder. It is true that this is not an important issue. But if the full result is displayed, we will have a better preview to apply the desired changes.

2- The Render dynamic data text on canvas option is enabled in the settings. But post metas are not rendered. (red arrows)
This is while there is no problem in another query loop that I use on the page.

Hi Hosein,
You may have guessed it already: it’s again more of an improvement than a bug, so I’m moving the thread again and adding your suggestion to the list.

  1. You can easily work around this by activating “live search” only after you have finished styling the results.

  2. This is a known bug that you have reported yourself: WIP: First loop item in the query loop not rendering (only in builder)

Yes you are right. thanks for the reply