Link to Internal Post/Page dropdown showing media items

When selecting the link for a nav item, click on Link to Internal Post/Page and search for something that has both a media post and a normal post / normal page.

All items with the name populate rather than just the post/pages. This is redundant when we have the media option to search media and is annoying when the post/page is usually at the bottom of the dropdown. If this cannot be fixed, can it be sorted so pages are at the top at least for the internal post/page dropdown.

In image below, i have searched for a business page and you can see all the media items populating the dropdown.

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Hey @dan,

thanks for your report. I moved it to the “Feature Requests / Improvements” category as I would not consider this a bug.



Hey @aslotta, thanks but I really think this is a bug.

What is the point in having separate dropdowns for media & posts/pages when the post/pages populate media content. If I wanted media then I would select the media dropdown.

If this is to be classed as an improvement then the post/page dropdown should be renamed “all” to avoid confusion and annoyance.

Furthermore, in 1.7.3 the media is shown at the bottom of the list where as in 1.8b2 the media is at the top and the post/pages are at the bottom of the list.


This “feature” has now gone backwards in functionality and causes the user more scrolling and time wasted to get to what they actually want.

I still feel this is a bug and would prefer it to be moved back to the bug section as originally posted.

Hey @dan,

there is a difference between the Internal post/page and the Media options. While the former links you to the attachment page the latter links you to the media file (e.g. the image) itself. You should try it out yourself to see the difference.



I think you are missing the point. The functionality of the drop-down sorting order has changed from 1.7.3 to 1.8 causing more user time wasted by increased scrolling

If you have a service such as “business” and many media items named including the word “business” and only 1 page named “business” then you now have to scroll to the bottom of the drop-down to reach your page whereas before it was at the top.

This change is a bug unless this was deliberate.

Hey @dan,

my last comment was an answer to this question of yours (see the quote above). Nothing missed. And no. The sort order hasn’t changed from 1.7.3 to 1.8 (see



Functionality-wise this feature/improvement would be very welcome. From a UX perspective, I do consider it more of a ‘bug’ as I think most users would expect to find website pages & CPT posts in this dropdown, not media attachment pages. It gets very unwieldy once a site has many media items.

I advocate to update the internal post/page dropdown to only include posts & pages, and remove media items entirely.
Or, to add a secondary filter so you can narrow your search to posts & pages manually, but this option would seem less intuitive than the first option of changing the dropdown contents to reflect the label of ‘posts & pages’.

Thanks for your work.

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