Limit Related Posts Displayed in Query Loop

I want to have multiple reviews linked to a product. I’m using Meta Box relationships. I want to have 3 reviews related to the product but I only want one to show up on the front end and I want the order to be random.

When I select the relationship to be queried in Bricks, I don’t have an option to limit how many posts are queried. Everything related is queried.

As a bonus it would be nice to be able to skip the first related post. The use case for this would be if I wanted to have 4 testimonials related to a product. I have the first one showing up in the hero section and then the remaining 3 show up in a grid in a section further down the page.

Right now it’s not possible with the current controls for related posts in Bricks Builder.

If this is possible using the PHP editor for queries that would also be great to have as an alternative to having the controls in the builder.