| Simple Portfolio Site

I have made a very simple portfolio site for myself with Bricks.
No fancy effects.

It’s a site with a boxed layout that is simple and clean.
And I implemented a unique grid layout for my project images.

Bricks version: 1.9.2


  1. BricksUltimate (Adjacent Posts)
  2. Bricksforge(Form)
  3. ACF
  4. Yabe Webfont (host Google fonts locally)
  5. Happyfiles Pro
  6. SEOPress Pro

Any feedback is welcome.
P/S: It’s 98% completed. Something has yet to be refined. :grinning: :grinning:


Well done! Very nice hovering effect on the kitchen images! Cheers Patric

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Thank you Patric. Cheers!

Nice work! (Psst: all websites are 98% complete haha)

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Hey @charaf Thank you!

True! Most websites are 98% complete. :laughing:

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It doesn’t look like the usual striped design (one off-the-shelf section after another). Puts more emphasis on typography. I like the mix of Montserrat and Open Sans. Clean yet elegant design!

Greetings from Vienna to Malaysia

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Hey @Robert :wave:
Thanks for your kind words. :slight_smile:

Greetings from Malaysia to Vienna!

Looks great! Very clean and I like the small animations when opening the mega menu :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’m glad you noticed the animations. Your feedback is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Very clean, loved the white background with the dots as soon as it opens. Refreshing to the eye.

Thank you for your feedback and kind words! I appreciate that. :slight_smile:

I recently redesigned my website. What do you think?

This new look, was redesigned with TailwindCSS(new to this) by WindPress.

This live site is 90% completed. I need to optimise the site by 10% and complete two pages.

Welcome your inputs! :smiley:

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I noticed there are some caching issues on my site. If you see my site in a mess, please let me know.