JetEngine Listing Grid vs. Bricks Query Loop?

Hey all,
New Bricks user here, and coming along nicely in transitioning my approach from Elementor. Really enjoying using this wonderful set of tools!

I’m trying to wrap my head around how Bricks works with JetEngine vs. how Elementor worked with JetEngine. I am constantly creating Listing Grids using JetEngine with CPTs, and then using the ListingGrid widget to get it into my template. Works great.

Last night I watched a video from Paul at WP Tuts that showed how to populate a Query Loop with dynamic content, which is somewhat akin to the Listing Grid in JetEngine.

I guess my question is what are the pros and cons of each approach (besides not needing JetEngine to create a loop)? Would love to hear why one approach might be more flexible than the other. Thank you very much for your input!

I’m sure it really depends on the plugin you’re using for the grid list or the type of grid you’re creating but for me the two main reasons are:

  • One plugin less.
  • Native bricks code and elements.

With a query loop and a well structured grid there’s nothing you can’t do. Endless design possibilities.

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