Hi, I am new to bricks builder. I have 2 custom post types, school and class. Where school and class has relationship. One school can have multiple classes. One class has acf repeater for books.
I am creating single school template where I want to show classes, and under each class I want to show books. It is working fine but when I try to place a button with attributes like
Name : class_id, value : {post_id}
It should populate 86 as post_id. But it is giving school_id (81) but not the class_id
But when I use this
Name : {post_id}, value : {post_id}
It is showing 86 in name:post_id and 81 in value:{post_id}
Class_id is 86 but it is not showing or working on value field but working on name field.
Strange. Can you please help me?