Is this supposed to be easy

I purchased this “builder” and installed it, read through the so called “getting started” and watched the hour long video. Set up on a staging site, added a few pages with basic stuff, like a heading and a paragraph and an image. Most pages don’ show any conten - just a message saying “Click on any element to add it to your canvas.”. On he pages that do show some content, the rendering is shockingly bad. Try margins, padding etc and it renders terrible.

This is supposed to be easy but it’s confusing as hell. I have been trying to style a basic page and it is rendering it like something from 1985.

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Pages don’t show any content because with bricks, you usually create your pages or templates from scratch. That is also the reason, elements are barely styled when you drop then in.
It is also worth mentioning, that basic knowledge of css and html will help you understand the principle and structure of bricks.
That’s in my personal opinion the main advantage of bricks builder, there is virtually no limit to what you can do. And pretty fast wordpress websites :slight_smile:


You can buy pre-styled templates for it. There are probably some free ones.

I also bought Bricks but find it too confusing to use. I wanted to use Bricks to build a theme like Twenty Eleven. Where can I get templates? Is there a template available anywhere that is the same as Twenty Eleven?

Hi Phil!

I am a beginner myself so take my advice with a grain of salt. Basically you can built any template you want with bricks. If you click on the Bricks option in wordpress, you can then navigate to the Templates.


There you can create a new template of any type like for example a template for displaying single posts or a header and so on. When you edit the newly created template with the bricks builder, you can insert a community template if you click on the templates icon on the top right corner. Maybe you find something there, that you can use and change to your liking.


You can also apply special conditions to control, where the template gets used.

That is the beauty with page builders like bricks or oxygen, when hitting a limit what “normal” wordpress themes or templates can do in terms of customization, they begin to shine.

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My first post was a bit frustrated so apologies if it came across badly. I’m not a beginner, just been away from building sites for a few years. I used to hand code, occasionally with oxygen (buggy), but mostly wordpress legacy builder. Now using Gutenberg but it’s poor. I’ve used Webflow - superb and ultra easy to get a site up in a couple of hours. Now testng Bricks and I’m finidng it unbelievably confsing and and ULTRA slow to get off the ground.

I’ve worked through some tutorials but they tend to be far too long so sitting through an hour long video to get nowhere fast is taking up far too much of my time.

I can normally put a menu together in 20 mins or so, but I’ve ben battling with Bricks for 3 days now and getting nowhere - eve using some free stuff.

There is some genuinely bizaare stuff that makes no sense - e.g inserting a logo in a header/navbar - you insert the logo then the canvas does nothing… Dozens of canvas refreshes and still nothig. It’s only after click a dozen settings that it appears. That’s really unhelpful. Then, setting the size - a dropdown gives you a set of hard coded dimensions - like a 100x100 woocommerce logo - what use is that if my logo is 250x30?

Then there’s what Bricks seems to think a pixel is. For example, see the mage. This is a basic page with nested containers of the navbar and the body set to Max 1200px wide. In a Gutenberg designed page it renders pefectly with the navbar aligning with the content below. In Bricks, the content container is wider and the Navbar is wider again.

Its precisely this bizaare stuff that is taking up all my time trying to figure ot what on earth is going on.

Where are you setting the 1200px width? On the containers?

Here is a video of me making the same layout setting the width on the containers. I use a header template rather than putting the header directly on the page, but the formatting would be no different.

It’s exactly 1200px wide on the front end.

The image sizes create a image size on disk and you can use the width setting to make it the size you want. I believe there is a way to show other custom images sizes. I have not tried it yet. I usually just pick the one that is larger than I want it to be on the front end and size it with width in some manner.

Refresh the screen if the reload canvas button does not show changes.

There is a problem with some elements if you copy them and try to change the copy, the change may not show unless you refresh the screen.

If I edit a header template, it will not show the upated on the page in editor unless I refresh the page. The reload convas button won’t work.

Yeah, on the containers. I’ve done it exactly as you have in your video and its made no difference. I’ve deleted started again etc and it’s just doing the same thng. This should work for any editor as it’s basic stuff.

Something I’ve noticed regarding the header template that Bricks inserts by default. It inserts a section with a nested container. If I remember correctly, this isn’t semantically correct for a nav element. Sections should be reserved for content in the body where a H tag is to be used. That shouldn’t make the width render any differently though.

I’ve noticed a lot of stuff just disappearing when editing. I’ve tried your suggestion of refreshin the page and whilst it’s a workaround, it’s really very poor and that needs to be fixed.

Something I’ve also noticed is when clicking a back btton via the browser, the editor loses everything and leaves a blank page.

I’m perceveering with this, but so far, I’ve never had this much bother with any editor and I’m finding it really very bad.

“Something I’ve also noticed is when clicking a back btton via the browser, the editor loses everything and leaves a blank page.”

If I have saved what I am editing, the back button always works fine for me.

Are you using Chrome or a browser based on Chrome? Have you tried it in incognito mode?

If you have any caching at your webhost or wordpress plugin, that can cause problems. If your webhosts uses a CDN or some cache in memory on the server, it might cause problems.

I run it on Apache 2.4.57 and PHP 8.1.20 on my Windows 11 desktop and KnownHost semi-dedicated account with no problems as you described. I use Chrome.

Make sure you are editing only in one tab too. If you are editing in two tabs and save in another one, it can wipe out changes you made in the first tab. It will look like your changes do not work on the front end.

Also, if you open a preview tab and then edit with bricks on the preview, the preview will open up in the same tab, rather than a new one.

Like you, I found getting started with Bricks really frustrating, because I was missing a few key concepts (template conditions, a mental model and more) but then I watched Kevin Geary’s page building 101 videos on YouTube and it gave me the foundations to really make the best use of Bricks.

I’ve used a LOT of page builders in the past, including Divi (ugh), Thrive, WP Bakery, OptimizePress, Beaver Builder, Elementor and more, and now I absolutely LOVE Bricks, and I keep discovering even more cool features.

My point is that it’s totally worth sticking at it, through the frustrating initial period, because once you get it going, it’s absolutely brilliant. It truly is a professional-level page builder.

Yes, sure, it still has some idiosyncrasies (like not updating properly sometimes), but no page builder is perfect, and these guys are constantly working hard to make it better. I hope you can find a way to make it work for you.


Thanks! Spot on - no buider is perfect, but I have tried them all and I was able to be up and running with basic stuff in 30-40 mins. Bricks - dear lord - I have never came across anything as confusing or frustrating. The whole point of a builder is to make life easy and speed things up but Brics takes 5-10 times longer to do the basics.

Take adding a hover state to a text link for example. This is as basic as it gets and should be a 1-2 click operation. The same process in Bricks just beggars belief. I genuienly dont know what the developers were thinking when the built Bricks.

I’ve been battling with Bricks for a whole week now and getting nowhere. Believe it or not but I’m still trying to put a Navbar together because I’ve been sidetracked by so many other frustrations when trying to do basic stuff.

I tried watching KG’s videos but he’s too shouty. I found another guy called Web Squadron on YT and I learned more in 30 mmins from this guy than I did watching 5 hours of the Bricks videos.

Not enjoying Bricks at all and unless things click in the next day or so then Ill be back to Gutenberg.

I’ve been reading through all your comments, and I think I can fill in a few knowledge gaps. It is relatively simple, but not if you miss a few things, and especially if you’re missing multiple things all at the same time, which from your comments i think you might be. Then it can all appear more difficult.

Let me first correct a few things that you said, so you have more understanding/context…

"setting the size - a dropdown gives you a set of hard coded dimensions - like a 100x100 woocommerce logo - These sizes are the images sizes coming from your WP install, not Bricks. The 100x100 is created by Woocommerce, the other sizes are the ones you can customise in the ‘media’ WP settings, thumbnail, medium, large etc. Whatever sizes you change these to, or add more, Bricks will show in the dropdown.

“In Bricks, the content container is wider and the Navbar is wider again” - I’m almost certain this is due to not setting the condition on the theme settings. You set the site width, container width etc inside the theme settings, but then need to actually apply those theme settings. Usually, you’d just set to ‘entire site’ unless it’s for specific pages only.

“…regarding the header template that Bricks inserts by default. It inserts a section with a nested container. If I remember correctly, this isn’t semantically correct for a nav element.” - This part isn’t true. by default the header template only outputs an empty ‘header’ tag, which is ideal. You can add any elements inside, it sounds like you added a ‘section’ element, which will always come with an inner container to contain the width, which is also correct (common way to do it). The section tag, as with any of the divs, block, can be changed to anything you want. Also, the inner container can be removed if you prefer. It’s a useful default as most people want the inner container within sections.

…adding a hover state to a text link for example. This is as basic as it gets and should be a 1-2 click operation. - It is a couple of clicks. changing the state to hover at the top in the builder, basically changes every style control into the hover state, so anything you change while that is active is being applied to the :hover version. This allows you to change a bunch of properties in one go, background color, text color, opacity, etc… then once you come out of that hover mode, everything then returns to styling the normal state. it’s the same for :focus styling, and any other puedo selector you need.

I’ll create a short screen recording in the next hour, showing creating a header, making it global. adding the global theme styles to get your width correct for all containers (and making sure to add the condition to make it apply site wide), and then adding the hover effect to both a button and menu links. This should address all the parts where I’ve think you’ve gone wrong so far from what you’ve written.

Recorded my screen - (hopefully 4mins of just watching somebody do it simplifies it more than the other videos you’ve watched)

From there, any pages/templates you create will always fit the same container width, as long as you’re placing eveything inside sections. They’ll all use the same global header, unless you choose otherwise. You should be good to go.

What i missed in the video is that you’ll also need a default left/right padding on the section (not just top/bottom) in the theme settings to ensure the content doesn’t touch the sides on smaller device widths, but that’s the general gist of getting set up, the simplified version.


I also came from Oxygen to Bricks, and I’ve found it really easy to switch over. Not sure why you’ve found it so difficult?

I’ve found Bricks easier to use than Oxygen with a lot more functionality. There are still a couple of teething problems, but IMO Bricks is by far the best there is for WordPress.

[quote=“ChrisBeattie, post:14, topic:16322”]
Not sure why you’ve found it so difficult?..IMO Bricks is by far the best there is for WordPress
[/quote] I come from not just Oxy but elementor, pinegrow, webflow, framer, blocs etc. I got off the ground and running easily with these. With Bricks I’ve had to watch hours of videos, read tutorials etc. When testing stuff, stuff doesn’t update and that leads to investigation and ending up down a rabbit hole. Others have said told me the same thing - very frustrating and a bad UX. I came to Bricks to test it out for handing over to clients. I let them play with it but the feed back hasn’t been great. Same comments - frustrating, too confusing and time consuming.

I wouldn’t say Bricks is something you can hand to clients for them to edit and maintain their own site. Bricks is more of a developers tool that they would ultimately use when managing sites for clients on a retainer.

If you would like a beginner friendly web builder to hand to clients I’d stick with Elementor. Even though it’s frontend performance is shocking.

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Bricks is like fine wine, it’s an acquired taste.

I came over from Elementor, and gave up on Bricks initially, as Elementor is very intuitive whilst Bricks is not at all intuitive, one has to read the docs, and watch videos, grasp concepts and wrap one’s head around it, and it takes time.

But with time, Bricks grows on you, and you realise it’s much better than everything else out there.

Stay the course, invest your time, wrap your head around core concepts and with time, it will all make sense, but agreed, there is no instant gratification.

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I found Elementor to have as much of a learning curve as Bricks.

The new Elementor, with containers (flexbox and grid)! Sure.
There is a steep learning curve for that.

The old Elementor (sections and columns) was very intuitive, and any Tom, Dick and Harry could put up a website together with little fuss.
I reckon, which is why it became wildly popular.

In the pagebuilder world of Flexbox and Grid, imo, Bricks beats Elementor, and thus though there is a steep learning curve, I prefer Bricks over Elementor.

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I learned the old Elementor and the learning curve was steep and not intuitive on many things.