I’m using the 1.8 beta and trying out the offcanvas element. However, I can’t figure out how to trigger the offcanvas element using another element than the trigger element. I want to trigger it via a standard button element. Is this possible at the moment?
Como podes ver es añadir una clase al elemento que deseas que abra el offcanvas
2) Añadir los atibutos al elemento que quieres que abra el Off Canvas (add attributes: aria-label=“Open” aria-expanded=“false”, data-selector=“#offcanvas_id”.)
el data-selector es el ID que tiene tu OffCanvas eso lo podes cambiar acá
Hey all, sorry to revive an old thread but I am tackling this now and I wonder about some improvements.
Applying the .brxe-toggle class to my buttons overrides a bunch of theme style defaults I have set for the button element. Is there a way to include the toggle functionality without being stuck re-declaring the button styling as overrides?
Ideally, we could:
Select TOGGLE as a Link type option from the button element content panel
Input the ID of the off-canvas as part of that select
This applies the required toggle nuts and bolts without introducing override styles
I am brand new to Bricks so if there is an easy way to scrap these overrides I’m all ears