Image gallery lightbox options

Not sure if this is a How to or a Feature request.
If I have an Image Gallery and link it to Lightbox … how do I get the lightbox to display the film roll of images under the main photo, so they can be used as a direct navigation method?

Using HappyFiles 1.6 I can build an image gallery and that does display the film roll, however I can’t apply the styling I want to this shortcode. In Bricks I can apply the styling but don’t get the film roll.

Could Happyfiles and Bricks converge so they both give the same options for an Image Gallery?


Hi Alan, unless you’re going to using Javascript and CSS I’m not sure if it’s possible, but a lot of people seem to use this third party Lightbox, which comes with thumbnails underneath as standard:

Sridhar also wrote a detailed tutorial on it BricksLabs but it is for members-only, if you feel like joining: Dynamic Galleries with Thumbnails and Captions in Lightbox using lightGallery in Bricks - BricksLabs