The default bricksbuilder image elements accepts dynamic values for the image source. I’m crearing my own dyamic tag to use with this field. But I can’t get it to work.
What type of value should my dynamic tag be returning? The html tag? Id? Array?
The default bricksbuilder image elements accepts dynamic values for the image source. I’m crearing my own dyamic tag to use with this field. But I can’t get it to work.
What type of value should my dynamic tag be returning? The html tag? Id? Array?
you can create a dynamic data that returns an url but you have to write that inside the custom url-field.
if you want to use an id your tag needs to return an array of image(s).
like this:
function get_my_tag_value($tag, $post, $context = 'image') // context image!
if ($tag !== '{my_dd_tag}') {
return $tag;
$value = [1047]; // Array of Image! (For single image)
$value = [1047, 1035]; // Array of Image-ID(s)! (For image-gallery)
return $value;