
Hi everyone,

Using Bricks Forms I wondered if anyone could give any advice on how I could adjust my form…

  1. I would firstly like to adjust the field label so that it appears on the same line as the place holder…

  2. Secondly I was wondering how I could remove the extra left margin from the placeholder…

Appreciate any thoughts or ideas you may have…

not margin padding check the form styles you can set it

and practice with style tab and spacing, element spacing options…etc


change your title to form input spacing so people can find the answer later on

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%root% .form-group {
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
gap: 1em;
%root% .form-group label {
margin: 0;
%root% .form-group input:not([type=submit]) {
padding-left: 0;


Is there a way to do it in the GUI? Probably. I don’t use the native form so I can’t really say for sure, but CSS is usually faster anyway

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Amazing, your a hero thank you Pete!! :slight_smile:

Is it also somehow possible to align the label & placeholder maybe…
vertical-align: baseline; & remove the asterisks on the labels…

(not sure what selector I should use…)

like this…