How to use the Instagram Feed element?

I just started my first site using Bricks Builder, using version 1.9.5. I followed the instructions to set up my Instagram Access Token, and that is ready to go.
I have a page started, I added a section and put the Instagram Feed Element in that section. Where I get lost is figuring out how to configure this element to pull the feed from my client’s Instagram account? I don’t see any place to provide the IG account name/handle. Also, the settings for this element has a section for follow text, but it is auto-generating a URL with the wrong user name (not even my IG handle).
so, I’m stumped, and obviously missing something. I haven’t been able to find any guides for using the Bricks element, either.
any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Go to the API Key section of the Bricks settings page.

Copy/paste your Instagram token into the Instagram field.

I’ve made it that far, and have my API key saved. But when I add the element to a page, nothing really happens.
So, a couple of questions. First, is that API key tied to a single Instagram account, or is it tied to my Meta developer account? Can I use that API key to access various public Instagram accounts, or is that API key tied to just my account?

As I remember, both of them.

Have you follow the “How to” tutorial for Instagram feed ?

yep. As I mentioned in my first post, I followed those instructions to get my Instagram access token. but the instructions stops at that point, and provides nothing in regards to how to actually use it within Bricks.


Have you some informations or warnings into the console of your web browser ?

I remember having some struggles to make it work too…

Console is clean, save for a warning about a missing favicon.

I was expecting a place to configure the Instagram Feed element. There’s a lot of options for display, but there’s nothing that allows me to specify what Instagram feed to display.
And maybe I am not correctly understanding how to use this. As I stated earlier, I am expecting to find a way to specify which Instagram account to use. that’s not provided anywhere. It clearly is not connected to a valid IG account, despite having my valid API token.

Am I not able to specify what Instagram feed to use or other factors? I am using a token created from my Meta developer account, but I want to display the IG feed for my client. Is that even possible?

Totally possible—I’m doing it right now. I wondered the same thing as you, and I powered through to get it working. Once you’re on the step of generating your access token, you’ll add testers.

Click “Add Instagram Testers”, and enter your client’s @handle. Then you’ll be taken to a login screen, where you’ll login with THEIR username and password.

Done. Just make sure to tell your client that if they change the username, it’ll break the API connection.