How to setup Checkout for non registered users when they're not allowed to checkout?

Hey buds.

I’m creating a e-commerce and I’m struggling with the checkout for non logged in users. As far as I know, Bricks doesn’t give an option in the Checkout template to solve this question: what happens when someone who isn’t registered tries to checkout if you didn’t enable checkout for them in Woocommerce? The result is the default Woocommerce template.

I managed a solution modifying this template in my bricks child theme (form-checkout.php) and including a shortcode to a custom template, but doing so you overwrite the Bricks template and the checkout for registered users no longer works.

So… Is there any workaround? I would like to be able to maintain my Bricks template for the checkout and also use another one for the non-registered checkout. IDK if this is the correct forum, tho.

Thank you in advance!