How to query search results?

Hi, I have a search results page I made and was able to have the title display the “Search Results” from the post title element; however, I am having a hard time figuring out how to show the search results in the loop query of posts I have. Can someone help me with this?

Did you make a “search results” template?

ya, I did but I still don’t know how to set up the query properly to show the searched posts.

Maybe this screenshot will help. Click on it to view full size.

I used a Div for a query loop and renamed the Div “Search Query Loop”. Ignore that there are 2 pagination elements, you only need one.


Thanks for the help, ya I created it the way you have it, maybe could be my search settings. Do you use the WordPress plugin “extended search”?

Nope, I have no search plugins.