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I’m having a bit of trouble starting section templates dynamically in ajax.
I’ll explain:
I’m trying to load the sections of my site with ajax : homepage, about us, portfolio etc., which I transformed into section templates.
To simplify, in my structure I have a container with 2 internal divs at 50% of the width: in the one on the left there is the menu where by clicking on the items I recall the section templates in ajax.
Now everything is ok with the loading of the templates (I’ll show you the code below) but I found a couple of anomalies.
The first anomaly is that the css is not loaded so much so that I had to force the loading manually, the second problem, a little more difficult, is that in one of my templates there is a query loop where all the data is loaded except the background images of the divs which as you can see from the attached image are also linked to a css which however is injected into the html and therefore up to now I have not yet understood how to recover it (I will find a solution but I wanted to point it out).
A final observation on query loops, if I assign an ID to the container I find the same id duplicated for the number of cycles, I think it should be foreseen that each id was assigned a numerical suffix (in an html page there should never be objects with the same id), I noticed that not assigning a bricks id eliminates the root problem by not printing the div id on output.
follow my simple ajax code:
add_action('wp_ajax_ajax_loadpage', 'ajax_loadpage_fn');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_ajax_loadpage', 'ajax_loadpage_fn');
function ajax_loadpage_fn() {
// get id number from js event from ajax
$template_id = isset($_POST['template_id']) ? $_POST['template_id'] : '882';
//force related css
$css_file = '/bricks/css/post-' . esc_attr($template_id) . '.min.css';
$css_link = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'] . $css_file . '" type="text/css" media="all">';
// load template
echo $css_link . do_shortcode('[bricks_template id="' . esc_attr($template_id) . '"]');