How to make Bricks admin LTR - Left to right and English only?

Hey all!
I’m new here ^__^, shared this post on FB but it seems no one knows or cared!
So the thing is!
If I installed Bricks on RTL WP, Like Arabic or Hebrew! Bricks Will load as well RTL! and not English as well!
I have faced this with O2 before! and in order to fix it, I’ve added this code to the function.php!
In Bricks for sure didn’t work because it’s not related to it!

add_action( 'wp_footer', function () {
	html[dir="rtl"] #ct-controller-ui {
		direction: ltr;
}, 999 );

How do I achieve this? load Bricks always in English and LTR no matted the WP language installed!

RTL means right to left and vice versa for LTR!