How to inline the list element using CSS

Hello All,

Just wondering if anyone could help me to be inline the list element using CSS. I tried a couple of times but cannot seem to get it to stick.

I have added it as a feature request, but I am looking for a temp solution before the feature request makes its way to the Kiln and becomes a brick.

P.s. if you have time, please pass by and give it a love heart…List Element - Ability to inline list items :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks, everyone!

Hi @Michael ,

i don’t know if this solves your problem, but you can set the ul to display: flex in css » custom css like this:

root ul {
  display: flex;

This way, the list items are displayed inline.


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Thanks, @timmse I will give it a bash! :fist: