How to fix Pagespeed issue "ReferenceError"

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get this issue fixed.
When I run a Google pagespeed test, I get an error like this;

“ReferenceError: RocketBrowserCompatibilityChecker is not defined at Function.value”

Any idea where I should begin to look? Could it rbe elated to WP-rocket cache?


That WP Rocket issue was also bothering me plus my web speed results were not as good as I expected.

I tried many different settings in WP Rocket.

Frustrated, I then turned off WP Rocket altogether and surprisingly, my speed results improved a lot.

I have now a 98 on pagespeed.web

So I uninstalled WP Rocket and don‘t use it anymore.

I don’t know why, but Bricks seems already fast or even faster without WP Rocket.

Curious to hear, if someone had a similar experience or a totally different one.

