How to display a taxonomy images for current post in a loop?

I have a custom taxonomy Cars Logo with an image field:

And i have an archive template for posts:

As You can see - taxonomy field display correct list of taxonomies for each post
But i can’t find the way to display only logos for each current post here.

So i try to put the column with query to terms:

And display images from custom field after:

As you can see this method display all possible logos, not only for current post.
How far am I from the correct solution?
What solutions are there for such a display?

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Hi! Have you managed to solve this problem?

I am considering options for buying Oxygen, Bricks or something else. I have a similar task. Is it possible to implement it in Bricks?

Hello @Arronax & @Ruslan
is there any news on this topic?
I didnt find a solution. could this be a bug or feature request? @timmse
would be nice to display the taxonomy image of the selected one.
thanks in advance
Best greetz

Hi @Frencharme,

It’s not a bug but a feature request since this is expected behavior. The only way I found was to hook into query and filter there.

See example 2 there.

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Maybe this tutorial for
members will help you.
Current Post’s Terms in Bricks – BricksLabs via @Sridhar

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Ok Thank you guys for your help!
@0x7466 @andrebeltrame
i will tris those examples and let you know
best greetz

Hi, I don’t have access to brickslabs.

My query is working for the post term name, but I can’t display the custom taxonomy image : it always displays the same image, not the image of the current taxonomy term.

I tried : {term_meta:photo_du_producteur} or {mb_producteur_photo_du_producteur} (amde with metabox) and I always get the same image, no matter which ‘producteur’ I select.

My query loop type is terms and my custom taxonomy is ‘producteur’.

I think the loop get all terms of the taxonmy and not the post’s terms.

I’d like to bump this up for someone to help on. There must be a way to retrieve more than just the name of the post taxonomy as given by Bricks Dynamic Data post_terms_(TAXONOMYHERE). We need some help here developers / Bricks admin. Can you please provide some insight on how, via custom php function or otherwise, to use dynamic data to retrieve an image stored in a custom field (I am using ACF) of the post’s taxonomy?

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Yes please help @thomas :pray:

I solved it! See my comment in this thread:

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