I’m trying to achieved an Animated circle text around an image (did follow a tutorial on YT and was able to achieved it when I did it on VSCode).
Then I tried doing it on bricks using the Code element but seems the script part is not working. CSS works ok but nothing happens when I added the script. I even tried adding the script via the Settings > Page Settings > Custom Code but nothing is happening.
Please tell me if I’m missing something. Or am I putting it in a wrong place?
I run your code with a random image on both html file and Bricks.
I get the same results in both cases:
In both execution, the code is not animated. So I guess the problem might come from the code.
Consequently, I can only answer from a Bricks perspective and where codes need to be added:
Put it in the page you want to execute it : Settings > Page settings > Custom code > Custom CSS. If the code is executed in every page, you might also consider adding it on the style.css of your child theme.
Put it in the page you want to execute it right before closing body tag : Settings > Page settings > Custom code > Body (footer) scripts
Put your div directly where you want it on your page by using the Code element. Don’t forget to click the option “Execute code” to make it work. The div contains the following:
<div class="circle">
<div class="img"></div>
<div class="text">
<p>Your Text Here - Text Here - Text Here - </p>
Of course, you can also put everything on the Code element but depending on your code size, it could potentially ruin your backend view.