How is Team Editing?


I just noticed that the changelog has been updated and Bricks 1.4 stable is scheduled for May 24th. There is a info about team editing.

So can 2 people work on the same template file?

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Good spot @omega :muscle: and woohoo haha.

I originally thought it was if you had multiple tabs open in the same browser, then it would sync them together as previously it didn’t, but obviously, a team would not work on the same browser so interesting to know from the dev team.

I would also hope that in @thomas release video he will show the different behaviours of the container from 1.3.7 & 1.4 i.e. this is how the container & inner container reacted to padding 1.3.7 but now it reacts like this in 1.4 or because jquery is removed but you have a plugin that requires it, what is the best efficient way of enqueuing it.

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<?php wp_enqueue_script("jquery"); ?>

(before the JS that needs it, ideally in the footer unless their script runs earlier)

but most plugins that use jQuery will include this already before their own JS, so this won’t be needed. for example, as soon as you activate Woocommerce, jQuery comes back into the header.