How do I make a custom toggle button for an off canvas?

I added an off canvas and that was easy enough.
I know the docs say to use the toggle element to control it, but the toggle element is just an icon. I wanted to create a buton with icon and text in a menu.

I figured out that I can do an interation on click to add the class is-active to the button and the class brx-open to the off canvas. This only partially does the trick. The canvas opens and I can also close it with the close button, ESC, or click outside the canvas.

The only thing I couldn’t figure out how to do was remove the is-active class from the button after closing the canvas. I couldn’t create the right interaction conditions to remove it. Blur didn’t work, which made the most sense. Neither did end animation or going out of viewport.

So three questions.

  1. Can I do an interaction to remove is-active from the button when the canvas closes?
  2. Is there a better procedure to create a custom button or link to toggle the canvas than what I did here?
  3. Can you some day adjust the toggle button so it can be more than just an icon? At least adding some text or making it a container or some other trick. Maybe I just missed how to do it.

One thing is, I intuitively thought that when I did an interaction on my button, there would be an action for opening and closing an off canvas. One is literally labeled “show element” and “hide element”. I thought that might work for the off canvas but it didn’t

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Create a JavaScript function and paste it inside a <script> tag in the Bricks custom code section.

function clickBrxeMmntdj() {
    var targetElement = document.querySelector('#brxe-mmntdj');
    if (targetElement) {;

Then add an interaction that calls this function


It works, but I faced this issue (Solution below):

“Toggle” element is child of the clickable element , so clicking the toggle itself will issue a click on the parent as well, resulting in a double click, and causing the off-canvas to get closed before being shown.

This CSS on the Toggle element will prevent that:

{pointer-events: none;}

It is pretty easy, it can be done with any element. Just add class “brxe-toggle” and add attribute with name “data-selector” with the id of the off canvas element.

Not sure what’s happening here. Is there some kind of magic with those specific data and class names? Is this documented?

It seems it is not documented, I just looked and saw that the toggle element has those attrubutes, try it and it works.

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Hi everyone, please try this.

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Bricks 1.11 has this feature build in.

I had a draft reply to say the same thing.

I watched the video on the upcoming features and the new offcanvas interaction should hopefully do the trick to use my own trigger rather than the built-in toggle element.