How can I run a custom query with ACF inside the Carousel component

Hello there!

I have prepared repeater fields for my deals page with ACF and connected these fields to my page. I have multiple different layouts and all of them work correctly except the carousel. What I want to do here is to be able to set a limit when listing my products. As I mentioned, while I can add a limit to this in other layouts, the query I run under the carousel does not work properly and does not limit my products. Here it is what I did for building this

My carousel component:

My carousel query:

return [
    'post_type' => 'product',
    'posts_per_page' => '{acf_sections_number_of_products}',
    'tax_query' => [
            'taxonomy' => 'product_tag',
            'field' => 'name',
            'terms' => '{acf_sections_tag}'

Here is my ACF settings:

and also I’m using splide slider’s grid extention for 2 row carousel. If you need more info please let me know and thanks in advance for your helps.