How can I create the bricks Roadmap and the Bricks changelog?

How can I create the roadmap feature of the Bricks website and how can I create the changelog of the Bricks website?

I think I have a rough idea. It uses a custom post type and a form that adds a new idea as pendig to the custom post type and then they can assign a term to it → there you have a roadmap. If not, I would love to know how you do it? The idea page is just a listing of CPT ideas.

The changelog feature is another CPT where there is just a title and description and a custom taxonime that is used as a term - >like new or fix… If this is not the case I would like to know how you do it or if there is a better way? Also if this is the case, 1 post per new feature and a listing grid per update how do you keep up with this beacuese after a few updates the post type gets so cluttered it has like 100+ entries already is there a better other way?

Thanks for your help, I look forward to your reply.

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I’d like to know how it is done as well plus the rating button, I want to have exactly the same

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Did you ever find out? I’m hoping to do the same thing