I think I’m losing my mind. Surely there’s a way to hide the page title on a page without hacky custom CSS?
First, it’s strange that the page title is even showing considering it’s using a template and I did not add a page title block to the template. But ok whatever, I figure there’s a toggle or checkbox somewhere that allows me to hide the page title on that page or in the template but I cannot find it.
Although… if you’re using a custom Bricks template the page title definitely should not be output if you do not explicitly include an element for that. Can you share your setup? A quick screencast maybe?
How did you get rid of the page title showing up in the post content? The page title is in an H1 tag above my main heading (which is in its own H1, as I wrote it). I don’t want the page title to be visible to visitors at all. This is how most of my posts look:
Here’s what fixed it for me. If you do not have a “Single post/page” template applied to the problem post/page, it makes an additional H1 (the page title).
Go to Bricks > Templates
Create template
Make the template type “Single” (I don’t know whether this is required)
Add the element “WordPress Post Content” into the right structure panel.
Top left, click the gear. Edit Conditions. Set this template to “Pages” (if the problem post were a page; otherwise, set the template condition to “Posts” if the problem post were a post).