Help with Bricks Gallery Customization or Plugin Alternatives?

Hey Bricks community,

I’m building a personal website as a photographer and would love to create an image gallery where users can click on photos to enlarge them.

My challenge is that I want to add a custom title and description to the native Bricks Builder lightbox. I noticed there’s an option to add a legend under the photo, but I’m looking for something more customizable.

Does anyone have ideas or workarounds for achieving this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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not free, but I use Bricks Extras query type “Gallery”

I use this to add a download icon to every single image.

You can add Bricks elements into the loop for every image.

Screenshot 2025-02-23 091003




select some of them select all of them
filter them with name, order by date or rand …etc …etc learn query loop practice


Thank you so much ill take a look at that!

Thanks Patric,
I’ll take a look at this solution!

You can choose a custom lightbox script like Fancybox or PhotoSwipe for more control over titles and descriptions. Another option is using a dynamic data field in Bricks to pull custom captions. In case, you are looking for a plugin solution then check Lightbox with custom metadata support.

do everything native bricks

I would just loop the photos as gallery and then when they clicked maybe open a offcanvas slider with same images looped but with a slider :slight_smile:

easy trick really same images one in gallery style one slide style design however you want