Help/How-to: Filter values are not populating from ACF field

** resolved **


I’m using Bricks 1.12.1, with Core Framework, Bricksforge and the free version of Advanced Custom Fields. I created a custom post type called vendors, and one of the custom fields I’ve assigned to this CPT is “vendor_type” which is a select list that only allows a single selection.
For the page, I have a query loop that pulls in all posts that match this CPT, and I’m trying to add a filter that will allow users to filter the list by vendor_type. As you can see in the screenshot below (or CleanShot 2025-02-07 at 11.53.13 · CleanShot Cloud if you’d like a larger view) I have things set up in a way I think should work. But in both the Bricks editor and on the front end, I’m not getting any values back to populate the check-boxes.

If it helps, here’s a link to the dev server with the page in question:


The problem is resolved, but I’m not 100% sure what the problem was, but I suspect that during development, I first created several sample posts for this CPT, then later made some changes to the fields. One possible change is that I originally was allowing the selection of multiple values for this field, and I changed that to only allow one value (which I’m pretty sure is required for these filters to work).
It was only after I’d made some other changes to the sample data, and resaved each custom post, did the filters start to show up. So, I think that chain of events fixed things.