** resolved **
I’m using Bricks 1.12.1, with Core Framework, Bricksforge and the free version of Advanced Custom Fields. I created a custom post type called vendors, and one of the custom fields I’ve assigned to this CPT is “vendor_type” which is a select list that only allows a single selection.
For the page, I have a query loop that pulls in all posts that match this CPT, and I’m trying to add a filter that will allow users to filter the list by vendor_type. As you can see in the screenshot below (or CleanShot 2025-02-07 at 11.53.13 · CleanShot Cloud if you’d like a larger view) I have things set up in a way I think should work. But in both the Bricks editor and on the front end, I’m not getting any values back to populate the check-boxes.
If it helps, here’s a link to the dev server with the page in question: https://terih1.sg-host.com/new-vendor-page/