HELP! hide global classes and info from other pages with conditions

Hello :smiling_face:

I have a little problem with the “theme style” conditions
In my site, I created a “header” and a “landing page” and I added conditions so that the theme style of my “header” and “landing page” does not appear in other pages.
For this example I created a “style guide” template, in this template, I do not want to have information, classes, theme style etc which come from other pages and in this case; of my landing page and header page.

To do this: I added 2 conditions in my “header” template and my “landing page”

Condition 1 : theme style → only visible in my Individual landing page

Condition 2 : theme style → exclude the terms “style guide” ( template tags )
FYI: I couldn’t find another solution that could exclude a template page, so I created a style guide tag.


Then, I created a “style guide” template with a new style theme that I activated. But unfortunately the classes of the theme style of my “landing page” remain present in my new document.

How to do? What did I do wrong :worried:
I really hate this conditional :face_vomiting:
Please kindly help me :star_struck: