It’d be great if there was a super quick and easy way to override the default header or footer in each individual page’s settings. Something nice and straighforward like a dropdown for “Header override” that lets you select a different header template right there from the post, instead of having to create conditions on specific header templates
Do you meen what is already in -
Pages Setting / Disable Header & Disable footer?
Ah or do you meen where you can choose a headeR? yeah, that would be nice.
I guess you could use ACF to show a list of available headers and footers and somehow programmatically display depending on what is chosen?
Yeah I mean you can select a different header template from the global one within the page itself, instead of having to go back to the alternate template and set up the condition for it to display on each page you need it
You can for sure do it with a custom field and have it via one header template, with a condition on the outermost container of each to display based on what’s ticked, but that comes with a few minor irritants, too.
Yes instead of the options to disable header and footer, instead give us a drop down listing all headers and footers available to choose from and an option for none to disable, that would be sweet.
Yeah that’d be absolutely perfect!