Happy Files and WPML

Not really Bricks related.

How to sync media in folders between languages?
Here I have folders in English

When I switch to another language, I can’t see media. But folder says media is there

Maybe there is some setting in WPML? Or Happy Files are not compatible with wpml?

Hi Igor,

Im in the same situation. I’m using WPML and Happy Files and all media is now missing.

I ended up changing the language at the top and it shows again. So media are “stored” by language.

Hello! :slight_smile:

Any news about this thread?

I have a bunch of HappyFiles folders, from which I have created a page with a photo gallery that queries images from each folder.

Now, I need the photos to be available from all the languages in the site. I am using WPML for the translation.

In the Media, there seems to be a counter next to the folder name. And the number of items on the counter is correct! But the folders are empty on the secondary languages:

How can I make the photos actually available?

I know this is not 100% related to Bricks. If this post doesn’t belong here, please, let me know so I can remove it!

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Hi, did anybody find a solution to this?
I have the same problem. I see all media in the “All Files” folder but they are not added in their respective subfolders.


I found solution. You change language in header and find same images in uncategorized and move it to the folder or create a folder for that language which you need.

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If you want the same media library in all languages, in WPML settings, choose this option: