Get the brick content with get_bricks_data ? Or something else?

I would like to display the content of bricks in my plugin. With gutenberg you do: the_content or $post->post_content but it can’t get the content from bricks. I’ve search the forum and it seems that you can use:

$bricks_data = Bricks\Helpers::get_bricks_data( $post_id, 'content' );
if ( $bricks_data ) {
Bricks\Frontend::render_content( $bricks_data );

or this more tricky stuff $bricks_data = get_post_meta($this->activite_id, ‘_bricks_page_content_2’);
or a shortcode but I guess it’s for template and not post [bricks_template id=“1234” show_text=“This text shall be shown”]
but I can’t make it work, the content is not displayed.
Am I missing something ?