Generate CSS color variables from color names (code included)


It would cool to have CSS variables associated to Bricks palettes colors based on their name instead of ID (or both):

Here is the code:


add_action( 'wp_head', function() {

    echo '<style>:root {' .
        implode( array_map( function ( $palette ) {
            return implode( array_map( function ( $color ) {
                return '--' . sanitize_title( $color['name'] ) . ': var(--bricks-color-' . $color['id'] . ');';
            }, $palette['colors'] ) );
        }, get_option( BRICKS_DB_COLOR_PALETTE, [] ) ) ) .

}, 99 );


changing the colorname in the palet should change the variable name in the frontend…


You can’t even use the --bricks-color-primary, cause it doesn’t change even though you set a primary color in the theme style…

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