Feedback on bricks builder after 1 month of acquaintance

Hi bricks community,

I have been familiar with bricks for almost 1 month and have worked with almost all its parts and features. I wanted to share my feedback here, I hope the bricks team members will see this feedback.
In general, I divide bricks into two parts: bricks for e-commerce websites (WooCommerce) and And bricks for non-store websites.

bricks for non-store websites

Honestly. Bricks is amazing. It really works great and flawlessly in every aspect. The performance in particular is insane, although it could be better. There are some very powerful and useful features in the roadmap, but I want to point out a few that I think would be useful to have.

  • Prefix settings for TOC items (including icons and counters)
  • element caching To improve page loading speed (Elementor already has it)
  • Cache for query filters
  • Automatic indexing for query filters

Nestable form

This great feature is currently in the ideas section. I’m already very excited for its release.
Nestable forms can take bricks to the next level because nestable forms are an element with a world of incredibly large features.
I have dreams for nestable forms and I don’t know how feasible they are, but I want to mention them. I hope you check out the bricksforge nestable forms while you work on this big element.

  1. Multi-step feature
  2. Conditional steps
  3. Query Loop Support
  4. PDF Creation
  5. Live Values
  6. Calculations
  7. update post action
  8. create post action
  9. update user action
  10. rating field
  11. sign field
  12. repeater field
  13. Ability to create post and product comments section
  14. Create WooCommerce Coupon Form
  15. Create a WooCommerce checkout form

As a final note, to be honest, coming from Elementor, I found it very difficult to work with dynamic data in Builder. More importantly, dynamic data is not rendered by default in Builder unless we enable it in the bricks settings. Even after we enable it, when the element is active, it is canceled from rendering, which is very annoying. Of course, this is just my personal opinion.

bricks for e-commerce websites (WooCommerce)

Honestly, I was surprised that Bricks doesn’t have many features for WooCommerce.
I think it would be great if WooCommerce features were given special attention in 2025. I will go over these features (in order of priority) below. Hopefully there will already be a plan for WooCommerce 2025.

  1. variation swatches (It is now on the roadmap :heart_eyes:)
  2. checkout fields editor
  3. visual filter element
  4. Ability to fully customize WooCommerce notice (display in popup and ability to edit texts)
  5. Product wishlist
  6. Product compare
  7. recenty viewed product query
  8. custom endpoint
  9. interaction for ajax add to cart
  10. auto update for cart items
  11. custom icon for remove button in cart items
  12. More dynamic data (cart count, cart total, cart subtotal, sale time, order address, order note, order shipping Method, order shipping price, Purchased product)
  13. procide style for query filters
  14. procide style for product review element

There are two important things to note about developing WooCommerce features:

1- WooCommerce has made significant improvements to the cart and checkout in the latest versions. The introduction of new elements for these two WooCommerce pages is incredibly useful. The smaller the elements, the more professional and enjoyable they will be to work with.

2- Bricks has implemented all the nestable elements perfectly. They are really Enjoyable to use. It would be nice if you could extend them in WooCommerce as well. For example, for:

  1. nestable cart items
  2. nestable mini cart
  3. nestable order list
  4. nestable view order
  5. nestable product attributes
  6. nestable thank you page details

I hope it is possible :blush:

Finally, thank you for creating this amazing product.