Enable sorting/ordering of Repeater fields in a Query Loop

When I create a Query Loop and choose a Custom Post I get an option to sort the results by a field.
But if I create a Query Loop on a Repeater field group I get no such option.

It would be great to be able to order the Repeater field group, ideally based on one of the Repeater groups fields ( such as a date ).

BTW I am using ACPT but assume this also applies to other Custom Post/Fields providers.

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now with Bricks v1.8, we can use the new bricks/query/result filter.

Put this into a code snippet or functions.php:

add_filter( 'bricks/query/result', function( $result, $query_obj ){
  // Return: Element ID is not the right one
  if ( $query_obj->element_id !== 'hmhovo'  ) {
    return $result;
        if (!empty($result)) {
        $title = array();
        $z = 0;
        foreach( $result as $item ) {
        $z = $z + 1;
        // for this example I retrieve the title of the post
        $title[$z] = get_the_title( $item->ID );
        array_multisort($title, $result);
  return $result;
}, 10, 2 );


Replace the element ID hmhovo in the code with your element ID of the repeater or relationship query.



Hey Patric

How could this be updated to check if a true-false field was ticked/present please?



I think you could just use a condition and check if the ACF true / false field is 0 or 1.

Unless I misunderstood, I don’t think you need any code.



Thanks Patric.

I’ve tried numerous combinations but it never seems to work. Not sure whether to add it to the actual queried block - as the field is within the query (it’s on the ACF).


Looks like nothing other than a custom function will work for this, at least for me :frowning: I worked this out after hours of playing around:

add_filter('acf/format_value/name=team_member_repeater', function ($value, $post_id, $field) {
    // Ensure the value is an array (repeater data)
    if (is_array($value)) {
        // Filter the repeater rows based on the specific ACF subfield 'team_member_show_on_cta' being true
        $filtered = array_filter($value, function ($row) {
            // Check if the subfield 'team_member_show_on_cta' is true
            return !empty($row['team_member_show_on_cta']); // Ensure this subfield name matches exactly

        // Limit the number of filtered results to 5
        $limited = array_slice($filtered, 0, 3);
    } else {
        $limited = $value; // Return unfiltered if not an array

    // Return the limited and filtered repeater data
    return $limited;
}, 10, 3);