"Edit Content" Role: add new repeater Items

Given I am logged in as a User with “Edit Content” role.
When I edit any post-type with Bricks Builder
And i want to add an item to an existing repeater element such as Accordion (or any element that extends repeaterElement),
Then I am unable to add new items.

In my opinion, adding items to an existing repeater element should be possible for users who can edit content only. Or am I missing something?

This report is a duplicata of this bug report here: https://forum.bricksbuilder.io/t/limited-editor-cant-add-new-accordion-items/12195

I asked this question on facebook and was told to reopen a bug here.

Hi @mclement,

Welcome to the forum!

I just updated the forum thread you shared here: NO BUG: Limited Editor can't add new accordion items - #4 by charaf.

As I mentioned there, “Edit content” is for editing content not adding new content which is why you can’t add new controls. I do however see how having control over whether or not this is possible can be useful when you’re handing this off to a client so I’ve categorized this as a “Feature request” and also mentioned it to the team.

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