Dynamic data not rendered correctly on image element

Hello Bricks Builders Team @timmse @thomas
I’ve an issue when trying to register the dynamic data on Bricks,

I’ve a field group that’ll share the field into multiple option pages from ACF, the field group is contain

Repeater = ‘logos’
– Image = ‘logos_image’ (sub field) (return format: image array)
– text = ‘logos_width’ (sub field)

so, the dynamic tag is {logo_image} & {logo_width}, when I try render both of them on the text element, they’re rendered correctly (the correct link of the image and the value of logo width)

but, when I try using {logo_image} on image element, it’s not rendered correctly, here is the result

<img class="brxe-kcgdaf brxe-image client-logo__image" src="{" alt="">

the src is only showing ‘{’

Here is my current code

add_action( 'acf/init', function() {
	acf_add_options_page( array(
        'page_title' => 'Client Logos',
        'menu_slug' => 'client-logos',
        'parent_slug' => 'cms',
        'menu_title' => 'Client Logos',
        'redirect' => false,
        'autoload' => true,
        'post_id'  => 'client-logos',
    ) );

    acf_add_options_page( array(
        'page_title' => 'Homepage Logos 1',
        'menu_slug' => 'homepage-logos-1',
        'parent_slug' => 'cms',
        'menu_title' => 'Homepage Logos 1',
        'redirect' => false,
        'autoload' => true,
        'post_id'  => 'homepage-logos-1',
    ) );

    acf_add_options_page( array(
        'page_title' => 'Homepage Logos 2',
        'menu_slug' => 'homepage-logos-2',
        'parent_slug' => 'cms',
        'menu_title' => 'Homepage Logos 2',
        'redirect' => false,
        'autoload' => true,
        'post_id'  => 'homepage-logos-2',
    ) );

} );

add_filter( 'bricks/setup/control_options', function( $control_options ) {
    $control_options['queryTypes']['client_logos'] = esc_html__( 'Client Logos' );
    $control_options['queryTypes']['homepage_logos_1'] = esc_html__('Homepage Logos 1');
    $control_options['queryTypes']['homepage_logos_2'] = esc_html__('Homepage Logos 2');
    return $control_options;

function run_logos_query($options_page) {
    $repeater_field = 'logos';

    $results = [];
    if (have_rows($repeater_field, $options_page)) {
        while (have_rows($repeater_field, $options_page)) {
            $item = new stdClass();
            $image = get_sub_field('logos_image');
            $item->logo_image = $image['url'];
            $item->logo_width = get_sub_field('logos_width');
            $results[] = $item;

    return $results;

add_filter('bricks/query/run', function($results, $query_obj) {
    switch ($query_obj->object_type) {
        case 'client_logos':
            $results = run_logos_query('client-logos');
        case 'homepage_logos_1':
            $results = run_logos_query('homepage-logos-1');
        case 'homepage_logos_2':
            $results = run_logos_query('homepage-logos-2');
    return $results;
}, 10, 2);

add_filter('bricks/query/loop_object', function($loop_object, $loop_key, $query_obj) {
    global $post;

    $post = new stdClass();
    $post->ID = $loop_key;
    $post->post_title = 'Custom Logo';
    $post->post_content = '';

    if (isset($loop_object->logo_image)) {
        $post->logo_image = $loop_object->logo_image;

    if (isset($loop_object->logo_width)) {
        $post->logo_width = $loop_object->logo_width;


    return $loop_object;
}, 10, 3);

add_filter('bricks/dynamic_tags_list', function($tags) {
    $tags[] = [
        'name' => '{logo_image}',
        'label' => 'Logo Image',
        'group' => 'Custom Fields'

    $tags[] = [
        'name' => '{logo_width}',
        'label' => 'Logo Width',
        'group' => 'Custom Fields'

    return $tags;

add_filter('bricks/dynamic_data/render_tag', function($tag, $post, $context = 'text') {
    global $post;

    switch ($tag) {
        case 'logo_image':
            return !empty($post->logo_image) ? $post->logo_image : '';
        case 'logo_width':
            return !empty($post->logo_width) ? $post->logo_width : '';
    return $tag;
}, 10, 3);

add_filter( 'bricks/dynamic_data/render_content', 'render_logo_dynamic_data_content', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'bricks/frontend/render_data', 'render_logo_dynamic_data_content', 10, 2 );
function render_logo_dynamic_data_content($content, $post, $context = 'text') {
    global $post;
    $content = str_replace('{logo_image}', esc_url($post->logo_image), $content);
    $content = str_replace('{logo_width}', esc_attr($post->logo_width), $content);

    return $content;


When rendering a dynamic tag on an image element (image context), ensure it’s returning an array.


add_filter('bricks/dynamic_data/render_tag', function($tag, $post, $context = 'text') {
    global $post;

    switch ($tag) {
        case 'logo_image':
			$value = !empty( $post->logo_image ) ? $post->logo_image : '';
			if ( $context === 'image' ) {
				$value = ( !empty( $value ) ) ? [ $value ] : [];
			return $value;
        case 'logo_width':
            return !empty($post->logo_width) ? $post->logo_width : '';
    return $tag;
}, 10, 3);


1 Like

How about I store custom _postmeta:
How can I render image for Image Element with __custom_image_id, __custom_image_url?
Thanks :heart:

Have you used a plugin like ACF or Meta Box to create your post meta?

Hi @Sridhar
Thanks for your reply.
I don’t use plugin to create _postmeta.
In my _postmeta I store __custom_image_id, __custom_image_url
I use:
get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘__custom_image_id’, true/false );
get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘__custom_image_url’, true/false );
for get value.
Thanks :heart:

How did you create the post meta?

I don’t find Screen Options in the post editor.

Do you use classic editor?

I create my custom plugin by php allow post add image and save image data to _postmeta table with id and url.
_postmeta table storage my image data id and url with 2 field:
__custom_image_id → save the number id of post-image attachment
__custom_image_url → save the wp url of post-image attachment
I can draw image with id and url value in my _postmeta by php.
The question is how can I create Bricks Dynamic Data (For Image Element) with my 2 data fields?
Thanks :heart:

Hi all,
This is my code and I don’t know why it error.

add_filter( 'bricks/dynamic_tags_list', 'foo_dynamic_data_tags_list', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'bricks/dynamic_data/render_tag', 'foo_image_render_tag', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'bricks/dynamic_data/render_content', 'foo_image_render_content', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'bricks/frontend/render_data', 'foo_image_render_content', 10, 2 );

function foo_dynamic_data_tags_list( $tags ) {

	$tags[] = [
		'name'  => '{foo_image}',
		'label' => 'Foo Image',
		'group' => 'Foo Custom',

	return $tags;

function foo_image_render_tag( $tag, $post, $context = 'text' ) {
	//Image ID for TEST
	$image_id = 86;

	if ( $tag !== 'foo_image' ) {
		return $tag;

	if ( $context !== 'image' ) {
		return $image_id;

	return [ $image_id ];

function foo_image_render_content( $content, $post, $context = 'text' ) {
	//Image ID for TEST
	$image_id = 86;

	if ( ! str_contains( $content, '{foo_image}' ) ) {
		return $content;

	if ( $context !== 'image' ) {
		$content = str_replace( '{foo_image}', [ $image_id ], $content );

	return str_replace( '{foo_image}', $image_id, $content );

I got the error:

**Fatal error**: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given in /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/integrations/dynamic-data/providers.php:305 Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/integrations/dynamic-data/providers.php(305): strpos() #1 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Bricks\Integrations\Dynamic_Data\Providers->get_tag_value() #2 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #3 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/integrations/dynamic-data/providers.php(362): apply_filters() #4 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php(3573): Bricks\Integrations\Dynamic_Data\Providers::render_tag() #5 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/image.php(625): Bricks\Element->render_dynamic_data_tag() #6 /usr/local/lsws/my-domain.com/html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/image.php(658): Bricks\Element_Image->get_normalized_image_settings()

I try pass image id as array but I got error.
Please help. Thanks

I create my custom plugin by php allow post add image and save image data to _postmeta table with id and url.
_postmeta table storage my image data id and url with 2 field:
__custom_image_id → save the number id of post-image attachment
__custom_image_url → save the wp url of post-image attachment
I can draw image with id and url value in my _postmeta by php.
The question is how can I create Bricks Dynamic Data (For Image Element) with my 2 data fields?

I suggest to piggyback on the \Bricks\Integrations\Dynamic_Data\Providers\Base class to get this working correctly. The Image element doesn’t take ‘just’ an array or ID, it needs some more, which is available in the Base class:

// make sure that bricks knows about the provider that we will use in the class below.
add_filter( 'bricks/dynamic_data/register_providers' , function( $providers ) {
    $providers[ ] = 'foo';
   return $providers;
} );

namespace Bricks\Integrations\Dynamic_Data\Providers;

class Your_Provider extends Base {

	public function get_tags_config() {
		$tags = [
			'foo_image'          => [
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Foo Image', 'bricks' ),
				'group' => 'foo'

        return $tags;

	public function register_tags() {
		$tags = $this->get_tags_config();

		foreach ( $tags as $key => $tag ) {
			$this->tags[ $key ] = [
				'name'     => '{' . $key . '}',
				'label'    => $tag['label'],
				'group'    => $tag['group'],
				'provider' => $this->name,

			if ( ! empty( $tag['deprecated'] ) ) {
				$this->tags[ $key ]['deprecated'] = $tag['deprecated'];

			if ( ! empty( $tag['render'] ) ) {
				$this->tags[ $key ]['render'] = $tag['render'];

   public function get_tag_value( $tag , $post , $args , $context ) {
      $post_id = isset( $post->ID ) ? $post->ID : '';
      $filters = [];
      $render = isset( $this->tags[ $tag ]['render'] ) ? $this->tags[ $tag ]['render'] : $tag;
      switch ($render) {
         case "foo_image":
            // IMPORTANT: change the context here
            $context = 'image';
            $value = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘__custom_image_id’, true );
            $filters['object_type'] = 'media';
            $filters['image']       = 'true';

      // MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Apply context (text, link, image, media)
      // note that $this in this class will call the method in the parent class, since we're extending it and it doesn't exist in this class
      $value = $this->format_value_for_context( $value, $tag, $post_id, $filters, $context );
      return $value;
