Bricks Version: 1.5.1 RC Browser: Chrome 90 OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc. URL: (a link to a page that illustrates the issue would be really helpful)
[Please describe in as much detail as possible how we can replicate this bug]
Not sure why but since 1.5.1 when I add a Youtube URL for a video background, it just adds the video in with a play button over it and I get no control to alter things like loop, autoplay etc. on the background video?
Are we getting more control on the background video at all? And when using Youtube, the timing needs reducing by around a second when looping otherwise you get a black frame at the end.
Currently using a third party HTML solution with some java params creating to solve this.
We’re currently investigating issues with Youtube background videos, as they have already been reported. I will mark this post as duplicate and close it.
As for the additional settings for background videos, we’d love to see your suggestions on the Idea Board: