DUPLICATE: WPML - Sometime Translated Content Not Showing on Frontend


I have the same issue as here: Bricks Theme - Translated Content Not Showing on Frontend - WPML

When I modify my Bricks main homepage (it’s an example) and save it, and then do the “edit translation” on the other languages of my homepage, sometime when I clear cache and refresh my other translated homepage, the new content is appearing, sometime (often) it doesn’t, and it’s really frustrating…

I have the issue on a brand new website with latest Bricks theme, WPML plugins and Meta Box.

Is this something on the radar for the next release so it’s fixed within Bricks?


Hi Adrien,

Looks like you’re facing the same underlying issue originally reported here: WAIT: WPML Blank page.

We’re currently working with the WPML team to find a solution and ensure a more consistent experience.

To keep everything organized, I’m closing this thread so we can track updates in the original thread.