DUPLICATE: Underline or Overline (Typography Decoration) does not show in Bricks editor on Heading class

Browser: Safari
OS: macOS

I noticed recently when using the overline or underline typography decoration in Bricks 1.9.4 that it won’t show in the editor but shows fine in the frontend. Screenshot attached. This isn’t a feature I use often at all so I’m not sure for how long this has been an issue for. I may have missed it but I didn’t see this posted yet in the forum.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add Heading element to page
  2. Add a class to the Heading element
  3. While the class is selected, add either the underline or overline decoration, notice there is no change in the editor (apart from it showing as selected), there is no underline or overline shown but if you save and view the frontend it will display properly.

In the Bricks Builder editor:

In the frontend:

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I was broke somewhere after v1.9.

Looks like a duplicate of this WIP: Text decoration underline not working on canvas

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Hi Dustin,
Thanks so much for your report.

The problem has already been reported as mentioned by macksix.
I’ll close this thread accordingly.

Best regards,