DUPLICATE: Safari don't show the menu properli(Guess don't load CSS)

Browser: Safari
OS: macOS
URL: http://lafuncionalteatre.cat

I do te menu in bricks and everething show well but if I go to Safari look like the menu no load the css, can you help me please

Thanks, I try my best to search in forum I don’t know what to do

Hi Jonas,
Thanks so much for your report, and welcome to the forum!

Everything looks fine for me in Safari :thinking:

Please clear your browser cache and disable browser extensions.

Best regards,

Tank you,but in the new Mac works properli and in olter Imac and other look but.

thanks to check it

Ah ok, then I know what the problem is: we use the :where selector, which is not supported by older browsers. The problem has already been reported and we are working on a solution.

Alternatively, you can use Bricks 1.6.2 where the problem does not occur.

Best regards,