DUPLICATE: PHP-class doesn't exist: section (Bricksforge)

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: https://www.benzmedia.de

I put the update to version on my live site today and it crashed my site.
In Bricks (when I want to edit a page), it just shows me: “PHP class does not exist: section”.

Also, in the page structure, I can no longer expand the individual elements.

I tested it before on a staging page. There everything worked without problems (I thought). However, there was still a caching plugin enabled here, so I also saw the problems here after clearing the cache.
So please don’t stone me. Backup I have of course, but that I would only import if it absolutely must be.

In the frontend it broke my navigation and also some of the frames, e.g. the laptop mockup images (part of our references) on the home page.

Also a step back to version 1.9.1. unfortunately didn’t help.

I have now seen that all elements of Bricks (section, div, container, etc.) are no longer available for selection.

EDIT: after i moved back to version 1.9, everything is now working as usual again.

Hi Julian,
Thanks so much for your report!

Do you happen to use “Bricksforge”? We have another report with the same problem that can be traced back to Bricksforge.

Best regards,

Hi @timmse,

really sorry for the late reply! My answer is on the linked post.

Best regards,