DUPLICATE: Nestable slider not showing amount of objects setup in the slider settings

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

I’ve setup a nestable slider with a query loop as elements

It should show 4 elements, but somehow the css shows this (not sure if the gap is not setup correctly either):

element.style {
margin-right: 0px;
width: calc(((100% + 0px) / 1) - 0px);
height: 50vh ;

the height should be 100% and the width calc(((100% + 0px) / 4) - set-gap?) i assume - somehow all my settings are not used for the slider at all.
Am i doing something wrong - had the same bug with other elements too.

Hi Andre,
Thanks so much for your report, and welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screencast using https://jam.dev showing and explaining what’s happening?

Best regards,

Sure no problem:
Video here - Jam

Screenshot with css code in dev tools here:


the idea is to no use wp grid builder anymore ( just the facets) until your facet system will be added. Works great for grid - but i got this problem with the slider

how can i send a link in private ?

Just found out, that it does show the correct 4 objects, but only when i am at one of the default breaktpoints - as soon as im in the XL one its back to one object. So i assume the issue is somewhere here


Hey Andre,
You can send me a private message - but this will be enabled for new users only after some time (I’ll send you a message right away to which you can reply).

Anyway, if the problem is after filtering or directly related to it, you should also contact WP Grid Builder support.

Hey, ive sent u a reply

This problem is not related to grid builder - i just used grid builder before for the carousell - i have now removed every grid builder element and the issue is exactly the same. Im not using any filter either for these.

Pure Bricks Slider (no grid builder elements / i even disabled it for this screenshot )

It was just for reference for what i want to create with the native slider element


Hey Andre,
Thanks for the link! I just noticed that we are already/still working on the problem: WIP: Nestable slider - breakpoints and number of slides - #7 by ValerianDigital

You can try my intermediate solution from this thread, which should still work: DUPLICATE: Nestable Slider: Custom XXL Breakpoint: Number of Slides not working - #2 by timmse

I am also closing this thread because it is a duplicate.

Best regards,