DUPLICATE: Nestable Slider: Custom breakpoint issue

I vaguely remember somebody reporting similar, but I was unable to find it. So apologies if this is a duplicate, but I’m reporting in case it was marked as solved somewhere and isn’t.

This issue occurs if you try to add a new custom breakpoint and then make that breakpoint the ‘base’ breakpoint, with the expectation that styles and settings will use that as the default.

Bricks doesn’t actually use the new top base breakpoint as the default, it still uses the settings values that were added at the ‘desktop’ breakpoint, even if this isn’t the base.

Visually… this can be seen by…

  • adding a new custom breakpoint that is higher than the desktop one.
  • make this new breakpoint the ‘base’ breakpoint.
  • add nestable slider to the page with this setup,
  • trying to add 3 slides as the default for the new base breakpoint. and down to 2 then 1.
  • notice the 3 slides appears at the 1200 breakpoint instead. Starting with 2 as the default, instead of te 3.

Code wise, it’s happening because in the \Bricks\Breakpoints::$breakpoints array, it isn’t including the settings key for anything added at the desktop 1279px value as a breakpoint value, it’s still considering it the base value, even though the ‘base’ was moved to the custom higher breakpoint.


To get around it, users can set up the breakpoints differently, by having the ‘desktop’ always be the highest px value, in this case around 1800px, and be the base, and then adding the new custom one at 1279px instead. It’s the same end result in terms of what breakpoints are added, but doesn’t cause this same issue.

It’s unclear from the docs if the desktop is always supposed to be at the top and Bricks’ doesn’t actually support larger custom values as the base, but reporting as a bug as it’s allowed to happen in the UI, even if not a correct way to setup.

Hi David,
Thanks so much for your report.

As far as I can see, the problem only arises with the nestable slider, right? The problem has already been reported several times.

If it occurs with other elements as well, please let me know via PM and I’ll add to the existing task. Until then I will close this report.


Best regards,