DUPLICATE: If there are multiple header, In the builder, the rendered Header is ALWAYS the one with "Entire Website" condition, even in pages that use the other header

Video: Jam
Bricks: 1.9.8
WP: 6.5.4
Server: nginx
PHP: 8.3.0
OS: MacOS 11
Browser: Chrome

If i create two Bricks template of type “header” with these conditions:

  • Base - Header
    condition => Entire Website
  • Blog - Header
    condition => Archive,PostType=Post

In the builder, on page load, the rendered Header is ALWAYS the “Base - Header”, even in pages that use the other header.
This happens only in builder, frontend is ok.

A video is attached.

Side Note: the same thing happens with multiple Theme Style. In the builder , at page load, the applied Theme Style is the first of the list, even if current edited page use an other Theme Style

Hi Jacopo,
Thanks so much for your report!

We have already received a report on the problem regarding header/footer conditions and have created an improvement task: WIP: Header Not Showing In Template - #2 by itchycode

Regarding the theme styles: as long as you use the “exclude” conditions to exclude the “entire website” theme styles from other areas, it should actually work - at least it does on my test. If it doesn’t for you, please create a separate report on this issue :v:

Best regards,