After updating to 1.10, elements are disappearing in the structure panel when dragging them to a new order/position. I have identified it with headings and text elements as those are the ones I have been moving. Im not sure if its happening with others.
Sometimes the element disappears completely, other times the container/block repositions once I release the element. Here is a small video of one instance its doing it.
Browser: Chrome 110 OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc. URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:
[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]
@websitestudios Noticed the same issue multiple times. Still trying to reliably reproduce it.
What I already found out is that the elements still exist in the database (_bricks_page_content_2) after they disappeared from the structure panel. They just aren’t shown in the builder anymore. So it seems like the structure gets somewhat corrupted. Will add some details as soon as I am able to reliably reproduce the issue.