DUPLICATE: Current Date not match with Site Timezone

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OS: Windows
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Video: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Hey there,
I tried using dynamic current_date, but for specific hours according to my timezone. I have set the timezone on the site to my location (+7/Jakarta), but the current_date doesn’t change at all.

As you can see the clock on my Windows taskbar is 3pm, while the one in the header is 8am. I try to find similar issue, but I can’t find it.

from what I understand, it looks like Bricks takes current_date from Universal time, not local time.

Is there a way to make it take the current time from local time?

Hi Iqbal,
Thanks so much for your report.

The problem has already been reported:

I’ve added your report to the already existing task and close this thread.

Best regards,