DUPLICATE: Components: conditional logic does not seem to read component 'properties'

Browser: Chrome Version 131.0.6778.265
OS: macOS

I am creating a component with a ‘rich text’ and a ‘button’ element, and trying to show/hide the button based on a condition which checks for a value in the component property ‘Button Text’. When I set the conditional visibility on the button to:

Dynamic Data > Button Text (property) > is not empty

The buttons in all instances are hidden, and when I set it to:

Dynamic Data > Button Text (property) > is empty

all of the button instances show.

This is regardless of wether there is a value entered for the ‘Button Text’ property in each instance, and also regardless of wether there is a default text value entered in the property. Latest Bricks release 1.2

Happy to provide more info if needed!


I also experienced this exact same issue this morning.

I also confirm that issue.

And this component’s feature should be documented somewhere obvious. Neither in the documentation nor in the changelog I could find the component conditions, so I thought this is not ready yet.

Hello @kyle-gs, @Maexxx, @digikraft.

Thank you for your reports! But, we there was already a report about this a while ago, and we have the bug task already in our internal bug tracker.

Currently, component properties does not work with conditions. We will update the topic below, once we release a fix.

Best regards,

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