DUPLICATE: Bug in template preview + query loop + dynamic data

Browser: Chrome 117
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

I wanted to display related posts based on the following query on the single post page.


The problem is that after that, the query loop in the builder does not display the posts as expected. Rather, it displays exactly the post that we selected for preview.

Everything is fine on the front end. But it is expected that similar behavior with the front end will occur in the manufacturer.


I can’t replicate this issue locally, could you please share temporary admin access to help@bricksbuilder.io with a link to this thread? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @charaf,

I sent admin access to the email. Thank you!


Thanks for the login details.
I am able to replicate the issue.
When using dynamic data inside a query loop on template, the query results is not right.
The root cause is the dynamic data parsing the wrong post context (Using the template as the post instead of your selected populate content post)

Just recorded it in the bug tracker.



Duplicate of WIP: Related post query in single post is broken (in builder) - #3 by HOSEIN