DropShipMedia - My First Bricks Site

Just finished building my first Bricks Builder site :tada:


Had a ton of Fun Learning Bricks and WordPress!:blush:

Plugins Used:

  • Code Snippets - WP Code(free)
  • Disable Right Click
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • CPT UI
  • WP Super Chase
  • PhastPhase


awesome work, thanks for sharing.

Can I ask how did you make the β€œOur Previous Work” slide over the content above it?


Do you mean the Hero Section? When it slides behind Our Previous Work Section?

yes, that part.

sorry for the late reply.

That one is just sticky element with Z-Index lower then the rest of the sections :slight_smile:

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Great work, pirko!

I’m curious, how did you create the Robot Hand Intro + idle animation? Thanks!

nice one. but seems speed is a bit bad in europe.

Using CSS Keyframes it’s pretty simple :slight_smile:

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Thanks mate, yea I know their host is no the best as well they have a ton of JS that they wanted me to embed.

On the other end, I had to do a lot of custom js and PHP so they could make most of the content changes in the admin without editing the pages in Bricks.

Bricks needs to add a function to convert Bricks Built sections into Guttenburg or Client Blocks where clients can edit a few things without getting overwhelmed.